Perry The Flower Girl


Perry the mouse loved her Uncle Ian. He would let Perry ride around in his shirt pocket. He even snuck her crumbs from the yummy cheese shop where he worked.

One day, Uncle Ian had big news. “I’m getting married!” he told Perry. “Will you be my flower girl?”

“Squeak yes!” said Perry. She was so excited.

At home, Perry tried on the frilly pink dress her mama had worn as a flower girl. She practiced tossing fake flower petals made from crumpled paper.

“Soon I’ll walk down the path, tossing real petals at Uncle Ian’s wedding!” Perry said.

A few days later though, trouble struck. Uncle Ian came over looking sad.

“I’m so sorry, Perry,” he said. “But my fiancée Maggie has a niece named Healy, who will be our flower girl instead.”

Perry’s whiskers drooped. Tiny tears spilled from her beady eyes. Her dreams were crushed!

“Don’t cry, my dear,” said Uncle Ian. “You can still come to the wedding. I’ll save you a piece of cake.”

But Perry was too upset. She ran off to her room without another squeak.

Over the next week, Perry stayed in bed feeling sad while the wedding plans bustled on. The tables got decorated. Bouquets arrived. But Perry felt left out.

Finally, the big day came. As Perry’s family got ready, her brother Harry had an idea.

“Make your own fun at the wedding!” said Harry. “Come decorate cakes with me in the kitchen.”

So Perry put on a white chef hat instead of the pink flower girl dress. She rode to the wedding in Uncle Ian’s pocket.

In the kitchen, Harry had trays of cheese pastries for the guests. Perry helped decorate while everyone else took seats outside.

Perry was carefully placing a cheese cube on a tray when suddenly… CRASH! The huge wedding cake wobbled through the door, then toppled upside down!

The heavy cake had slipped right out of the delivery mouse’s paws. Now it was ruined! The bride burst into tears.

Then Perry had an idea. “Stand back!” she squeaked.

Quick as a blink, she and Harry whipped up a magnificent three-tier cheese cake, frosted with sugar flowers. It was beautiful!

When Uncle Ian saw the cheese cake masterpiece, he smiled wide. “You saved the day, Perry!” he cried.

As a thank you, Uncle Ian carried Perry down the path in his front pocket so everyone could see her special chef’s hat.

At the party, Perry met Maggie’s niece Healy the flower girl mouse. Instead of feeling jealous, Perry gave Healy an extra flower clip for her fur.

Soon they were giggling together over pieces of Perry’s amazing cheese cake.

That night after all the guests had gone home, Uncle Ian brought Perry a slice of leftover cake.

“Thank you for making this the best wedding ever,” he said.

Perry smiled up at her favorite uncle. She was so glad she could turn her tears into something tasty!

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