If You Give An Elephant An Easter Egg


If you give an elephant an Easter egg, he’ll ask for a giant basket to put it in. Then he’ll want you to help decorate his big pink polka-dot basket with bright blue bows and colorful flowers and a sparkly ribbon. Sticking out his long trunk, he’ll hold up his basket proudly to show off your handiwork and ask if the basket is big enough to hold all his Easter eggs.

Of course that huge basket will easily hold all the eggs that will fit in an elephant’s pantry-sized belly! But just in case, he wants you to hide eggs from the top of his head all the way down to his tippy toes. He’ll giggle and sway his giant ears as dozens of rainbows and glittery eggs roll right off his head into the grass.

“Eggs on my head tickle!” he said. So he’ll take the basket and ask you to put even more eggs inside. Then with his bendy snout he’ll root around the yard sniffing like a vacuum cleaner searching for any missed eggs to add to his big round basket that’s already bulging full. After all, there’s always room for more Easter treats!

When he finds every last sparkly egg from under the highest branches to deep beneath the tallest bushes, he’ll plop down in the grass with a rumbling thump. Spilling his basket bounty out in front of him, he’ll ask if he can eat his Easter candy now.

With joy he’ll pop oval eggs one after another into his huge smiling mouth. He’ll crunch and munch those colorful shells and sweet candy centers together saying “Mmmm!” He just can’t get enough! The sugary cream filling will froth and drip down his chin as he chomps. What a silly sticky pleased pachyderm!

When all the eggs are gone, he’ll want to lick the basket clean too of course! Tongue swiping over every inside inch, he’ll slurp extra melted chocolate off the willow with a loud long sluuurrp!

Then sitting back contentedly with chocolate-stained lips and a crinkly candy wrapper stuck to his ear, he’ll pat his full round tummy. Looking around at all the cracked broken eggshells, he’ll ask what he should do with all the messy remains.

You’ll suggest making an egg shell collage using glue and colors and glitter to make a nice commemorative Easter egg masterpiece to always remember the special occasion. His little beady eyes will light up in excitement as the creative ideas start flowing.

He’ll carefully sketch out a vibrant plan full of glitter shapes, stringing together eggshells like garland and looping around a drippy multi-colored painting he’s very proud of. But all that mixing and gluing and sprinkling has left him rather messy again!

So he’ll ask for a bubble bath to wash off the glue and glitter now crusted in his thick grey skin and dark scratchy hairs. He may even blow bubbly trunk-fulls of suds around as he splashes singing silly songs about jellybeans and rainbows and all his Easter dreams. But just as he’s scrubbing his last speckled ear clean the water will start running cold and he’ll trumpet that it’s time to get out and dry off.

You’ll offer the sparkly elephant two big fluffy towels since he’s so large and soaked from snout to tail. He’ll spin in circles making a breeze to help him air dry as you gently rub his scruffy head and back. Then with a final trumpeting toot he’ll wrap up cozy in his towel cocoon and ask for comfy pajamas.

Of course with such a gigantic friend you’ll have sewn special polka-dot jammies just for him out of king-sized sheets. He’ll wiggle his rounded bulk into the fuzzy one-piece sprinkled with his favorite pattern. But the button loop in the back is just out of his snaky trunk’s reach.

Giggling as he strains, that silly elephant will ask you to button up his PJs please. Then modeling proudly he’ll show off his new outfit with a little spin and pose routine. Such a stylish sleepy creature!

With all the Easter adventures now over and the big elephant tuckered out at last snug in his jammies, he’ll remember one very important thing. Settling into a mound of pillows and fluffy blankets nestled under the stars, he’ll ask for a bedtime story please about Easter bunnies and colored eggs before the best holiday ever comes to an end.

And as you read aloud the tale of the long-eared magical rabbit and his multi-hued precious eggs, that happy helper pachyderm’s eyes will grow heavy. He’ll let out big sleepy yawns between mentions of bouncy bunnies and hiding bushes. Before long your giant snuggly friend will be sailing away to dreamland still clutching his precious basket and surrounded by crinkly candy wrappers. Shhh… let the weary but satisfied elephant slumber! There will be more adventures to come when he awakens. Because when you give an elephant an Easter egg, anything is possible!

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